
Flexible Pricing Plans

  • You can purchase packages at more discounted prices with annual subscription options.
  • The proforma invoice payment period created for a new membership is 15 days, you can terminate your membership at any time within 15 days.
  • No tax included on prices.
  • For bank integration, you should get an offer after membership.
  • For accounting program integration, you should get an offer after membership.
  • For the use of the CRM application, you should get an offer after membership.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do prices change in annual payments?

If you subscribe to Tenantor as an annual package instead of a monthly one, you can have more affordable prices. When you divide the amount you will pay annually by months, you will benefit from a more discounted way.

Do I have to pay Tenantor as a tenant?

Of course not! If your landlord chooses to use Tenantor, she/he gets the subscriptions himself. As a tenant, you do not need to make any payments.